Often when away from your computer you still need to access your email. You can do that from any browser on any computer at any time.
- Open any browser on any computer
- In the address field enter "https://uomail.uoregon.edu.
- Press the Enter Key
- Enter your entire email address (example: johnsmith@uoregon.edu)
- Enter your email password
- Click Sign In
If prompted to select which account you are signing in with, select the option for Work or School account.
When prompted to "Stay Signed In?". We advise to click the "No" option to avoid someone being able to access your email if they somehow get access to your computer.
This will bring you to the Outlook Web App for the University's Office 365 service.
With the Outlook Web App (OWA) you have many of the same tools you have from the Outlook app on your computer.
You can get additional information about the Outlook Web app from the campus service portal.